Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Anecdotal Life Part.11

Yesterday A.M. everything that could float was huddled in the Annapolis Harbor. The Blue Angels were buzzing the capitol, skimming in low over all those brave little boats and ripping over my roof! You think I'm kidding about their proximity to my roof? I could read the lettering on the underbelly of that bad boy. Last week it was fireworks for the mid's graduation.
I was congratulating myself on a world class view when I looked over at building 680 of the Watergate Apartments and saw an Hispanic painting crew on the fifth floor even to mine. They were rapidly hiking their equipment to the roof where for a short time, Hispanics ruled.
My cat, Catherine sat stoically through it all, but kept that "what wazzat?"expression on her face. Winston, my other cat, booked for some inner recess.
I used to see the Blue Angels yearly up in Michigan when, on orders from my elderly father, we would hike ourselves over to Traverse Bay and "watch em rip." Pop ruled when it came to airplane viewing. As long as I could remember, everytime he herded all five of us with Mom into the car on Sunday for the weekly ride to somewhere, we ended up at the airport. So for me it was a heartfelt obligation to leave off packing for my son's wedding in California and take time to enjoy what is always a spectacular show.
Copyright: May 24, 2006


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