Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Anecdotal Life Part.5

Shoulda called this the "Blonde Boater's Blog", or "Private Benjamin of the Boating World Here", but not forever I hope. I wear and have worn several hats. I paint, I write, I complain, and I have campaigned (which may be a sophisticated form of complaining). I used to teach and test children for their language proficiency.
As a boater, however, I am soooo green and "it's not easy being green". Add to that that I am single, blonde and not tall. Very suspect in the boating world. I can't swim energetically or for very long. I am afraid of deep water, putting my head under, and falling in; so I bought a boat. A thirty four foot, 1988 Silverton with a flybridge and brand new isinglass. A fortuitous storm in New Jersey took out my aging isinglass and Boat U.S. A. paid for half on the new. A lot of things were taken out in New Jersey: two sets of binoculars, two teak and canvass chairs, all my expensive new lines, four new life jackets, my cute new welcome sign, a large blue storage box, my only boat pole, brand new charts and I forget the rest. Forget worrying about the pirates of the Carribean, except for the fact they may have deposited all their progeny on the New Jersey shore. I have moved my boat south to Goose Harbor on the northwestern shore of the good ol Chesapeake. I used to have a house on Deal Island on the Chesapeake and I've missed it. The other night I joined the Goose Harbor Yacht Club for fifty bucks. My kind of yacht club. General opening meeting lasted all of 20 minutes and then they broke for beer. More on them later. I am now through enough repairs and simple household tasks to begin to learn how to pilot " The King and Queen of Diamonds". I understand there is an enormous yacht, so big as to be almost an ocean liner, with the same name. No problem, my boat's name is in red letters with Annapolis, Md. as the given port. I bet I just cleared out the northwestern area of the Chesapeake with the announcement that I will be out there bouncing along. Not to worry, I will have help and lessons, hopefully several. In the meantime I am going to dash over to the Annapolis Harbor with two friends and try to get a glimpse of the Volvo Race start.
Copyright: May 7, 2006


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