Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Anecdotal Life Part.2

Couldn't believe the timing or the gist of an article in the Annapolis Capital newspaper the day after I grumbled about people and their attitude's toward aging. Case in point, "Burial clubs fading as members die" Oh really... Who writes that sort of thing? Enough of that. It's too spooky.
Sunday was a day unto itself. I began to get a toothache around 3:00 p.m. The pain ratcheted upwards to a def con level 5 by 4:00 p.m. I stumbled to the meds cabinet, grabbed two cipro I'd saved for an anthrax attack, gulped one down with a pain killer and then made what I consider to be an innocent and logical mistake. I swished my mouth with very warm salt water. Good thing I have no one living over me... Yes, you can levitate to the ceiling with the proper motivation. By midnite the pills had taken some of the edge off, though the tooth( or eight of them) was still available for comment. Now I am driving back and forth to Prince George's to my dentist and an "endo" dentist (?) while they debate which tooth it is. I've been very loyal to this dentist since I've moved but the distance, traffic, Prince George's less than peaceful neighborhoods and schools, and now gas prices are going to make me rethink my choice.
Prince George's does a great job of beautiful trees though, especially the Bradford pears-- but have you ever smelled those things?! They are almost as stinky as the Gingkos. At least they are special sight to see when you need to get your mind off your jaw. Copyright: April 26, 2006


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