Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Anecdotal Life Part.8

Mother's day with my youngest son produced the usual round of great stories. Storytelling in my family is a fairly competitive business. It takes some doing to wrestle " the mike" away from the pack to be able to get a word in. Eric is beginning to compete with the best of them. Namely, Grandpa, who could "knock em out" for an hour or more at any given time or place.
In this story it must be said first that Eric has "betrayed" our familial pattern of poverty and moved "uptown" in D.C. Not that anyone begrudges him. He pays his dues in a prestigious, but exhausting job. He travels the world over and like Marco Polo comes back to tell us what he saw.
For instance, in Albania he discovered that the Albanians have the highest number of Mercedes automobiles per capita than anywhere else in the world ( though it's my personal opinion, Annapolis would run a close second),but these are all stolen. The finance minister bought a Mercedes and had to get it serviced in Greece. They impounded it because, it too, proved to be a stolen vehicle.....just in case you were looking for your Mercedes.
His next story was closer to home, next door in fact, involving a young couple we will call Jeanie and Horace. They are a nice, courteous pair and good neighbors. In the neighborhood is a sweet, fragile, elderly lady who has notably, slender little legs. They are fond of her, as is everyone, but very quietly, between Jeanie and Horace at least, she is referred to as "birdlegs". Of course, they would never say such a thing to her face.
One afternoon Jeanie was giving a piano lesson to a small girl who is her student, when the wall of the front room exploded behind them and a Buick pulled up beside the piano and stopped. Jeanie turned and looked in the window. Somewhat startled she blurted, "birdlegs!" She immediately collected herself, stood up, and opened the car door, took the stunned woman by the hand along with her student and escorted them both to the kitchen. She closed the door on the front room, made coffee for herself and her unexpected company, poured milk for the child and they all chatted for a time.
I thought that was a classy recovery, if somewhat unbelievable.
Copyright: May 17, 2006


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jackie - seeing if the comments section works. Love your writing! xo, S

9:02 AM  

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