The Anecdotal Life Part.35
I was just saying to a friend what a wonderful day yesterday was. It happened so easily. I had put down watercolor brushes, pencils and pen in February and had gone through a hand operation, subsequent casts, p.t., and the oh so, damn, slow process of recovering strength, dexterity and manual skills for all these long, long months. I kept experimenting with my second love, collage, to rebuild the hand. It worked. It worked so well I was shocked later in the day when I looked back at how easy it was. I had taken pictures of a mammoth tree in Santa Monica and my new daughter-in-law, Annette had helped me gather some more snapshots of this "Beethoven" of trees and when I moved I lost the whole packet til Sunday night. Funny how things like that happen. So on Tuesday I toddled off across the Chesapeake to the Oxford community center and sat down and simply started drawing, drawing as though I had been at it everyday and was in , what was for me, top form. There are so many miracles everyday. I am going to make a print and send it to my doctors and patient family. I have been going screwy not being able to work. Now I can. Now I am.
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