Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Anecdotal Life Part. 28

How does one go from squashed flat to flatter? I am going to sell my boat. I am in over my head, financially, technically, and emotionally. I became attracted to the Captain who was trying to teach me how to pilot the boat and at the least, shall we say, congenial moment , let him know it. Well! He cleared that up and and my sinuses out by saying he'd only been helping me as an act of charity and I wasn't his type. However, my family and friends would have been delighted to know at least I finally fit in some category.
So, I intend to finish fixing it; sell it and move over to a more distant pier if I am able to buy a new and smaller boat. I like the marina and people that are there... a great deal, even though when massed together it's somewhat daunting to be a stranger. He also suggested a dinghy or a zodiac was about all I could handle. Whew. So I failed on several counts.
Of course, it's the letting go that's the fun part. I could only think of, when I could think, of Meg Ryan in the movie, "You've got mail". She had to sell her bookstore that had been in her life since she was a child. Obviously, I haven't had the boat that long, but it sure feels like it. It's the dream that went with it that has to go and I must go about the business of picking up the pieces of my ego, my marbles and learn how to do whatever must be done to pilot the next one on my own. A power squadron course will help. I've read that there are boats now that automatically get the boat up on plane. Maybe they have female teachers and I can stay out of trouble. Who cares if they have cute legs.
Copyright: August 31, 2006.


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