Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Anecdotal Life Part. 20

A hodge-podge of happenings: Am at local library in Beulah, Michigan. Have to run into the eight cornered town here to get the net and run is the word this week. Am painting parts of the porch, washing down the siding, trying to spruce up the place for the 4th, running between two sisters, running down the trail to argue with the DEQ about a pending boat launch, running farther up the trail to check on one of the few remaining stands of wild orchids, running to laundry, pharmacy and as always running to Ace Hardware for you name it and ,as always, trying to decipher "Chapman Piloting" book on everything about boating.
It's cold and I'll take it knowing I have to go back to Annapolis to begin the final move out of an apartment with a beautiful view, but into my own small townhouse. I wish I could have dealt with the apartment, but I felt like I was in rabbit warren.
Also, though I got used to being at the top of the building, I missed having some dab of ground to mess with.
It's great having my right hand back and being able to make things. Birdhouses for now and soon I will be able to get back to painting. I want to try a big tree that was in front of the Fairmont Hotel in Santa Monica. Making things and writing is where it's at.
Copyright: June 28, 2006.


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