Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Anecdotal Life Part.31

"On the road again," whoa , and probably with a flat tire to deal with at the end. It wasn't looking too good this A.M. However, driving gets me back to center. Especially, across the endless miles of Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan. It's wierd the way the mind works or at least mine. I spent the week crying and worrying about the health of my sisters and then it was "suit up and show up" time and I left for the North. I sailed through everything I had to face. Annie has an oxygen sign on her door now, but didn't require any while I was there. We had a good time together and I used the questions I needed answers for about boating maps and navigational terminology to pass the longer hours away. We watched Michigan trounce Notre Dame and the Tigers beat the O's. Ordinarily, I am for the O's, but not when it's the Tigers.
My niece, Ginger, a reading teacher, poured over my new Chesapeake Chart Book with me since she has fifth graders coming to her for study hall. Neither of us knew enough about geography, but we each knew enough to help each other. We used up all her dictionaries to figure out the difference between an octant and a sextant. Finally, on the umpty-umph trip across Michigan, from Lansing to Grand Rapids, I called my brother-in-law and sister in California and they poured through two more dictionaries. Ruthie found it. It seemed simple.As near as we could tell, the octant could figure out latitude and the sextant, developed later, figured out latitude and longitude. I suppose some smart apple will elaborate on that, but temporarily I was satified. My other niece, Lizbeth, told me logarithms could be solved through Google if it ever comes to that when I get to the math of course plotting.
Then finally, I went to West Marine's store when I got home to Annapolis and a member of the coast guard and two clerks helped me understand the "rose" on the map better in plotting a course. I only needed isinglass cleaner, but because I was just a beginner in boating, they gave me a free boat toolkit for being an almost new boater. That was very kind, but pushing it some. I learned what a leap second was ( sort of). Why did they have to name measurements on the map in minutes and seconds anyway? Some guy did that; I'll bet. I even have devices for hanging up the hoses and electric cords, got the cover fixed and drapes cleaned. And don't tell me, I already know, there's lots more to it all than even that. On Monday morning I am scheduled with a Captain to learn more about piloting. EEk. Somewhat nervous, but ready to have at it. It's time.
Copyright: September, 20, 2006.


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