Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Anecdotal Life Part.34

Some of life's little aggravations aren't so least not to the aggravatee. However, after wrenching my back yesterday, the worst I have ever wrenched it, I am today ambulatory and feeling foolish for lifting a twenty pound box with one hand, and attempting a wild swing to the left while completely bent of my dumber moves. No more baseball for me this season. Ice helped, shooting anti-immflamatories, and not moving for hours helped. I just kept reading boating books for my classes til I konked off.
So today I could move to the next aggravation which was tires. I got two Michelin tires for the front of my Honda knowing I have to wait for the second set until December.
Aggravations should only come in threes. But not this week it seems. I turned in a hearing aide for a quick fix and it was "Two weeks lady, two weeks." I still haven't gotten the man who put the front door in around the end July to come back and finish. I'd finish it myself but he's got the parts. Maybe if I had hold of some of his parts we'd get someplace.
However, there is a part of me that is positive and unshakable about being positive-- because I am managing it by myself.
The part that's tough on me is, I am still going to "boat school" and lucky not to have been thrown out yet for being embarrassingly ignorant. You can't manage acquiring the needed info and skills by yourself, and even though I know an eensy-innsy bit about piloting and more about what is required aboard, I have massive amounts to go. I like figuring things out for myself and I am, instead, having to depend on others fairly heavily at this point. A librarian friend of mine said to me as I was on my way out the library door with a book on docking, " Did you get all of it yet?"( what a smart alec!) I couldn't laugh. I just said, " Ask me that six years from now."What do you want to bet there is no end to this? I"d settle for understanding what's being said around me, an increase in confidence, and basic knowledge. Is that so hard?
Copyright: October 4, 2006.


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