Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Anecdotal Life Part. 36

Well, I had my first test in my first boating class called Boat Smart. I graduated Summa Cum Lucky. There were around 70 questions and I missed 13. You can only miss 12. Apparently, they were desperate for new members in the Annapolis Power Squadron because they told the instructor to" take her over in the corner and go over the ones she missed and see if she really knows one of them". I did and they gave me the point. Only three of us passed; I came in dead last. I told my mentor from Goose Harbor my score and he said he and his ex- wife each got 98 and 100 respectively. His teaching "bedside manner" is notably faulty. He can be curt unto abrasive about what you don't know. However, he's "the man" in terms of good solid and extensive information. I told a young friend from India that I let him know my score. She has been listening closely to my " Gullible's" Travels stories concerning my apprenticeship in boating. She burst out laughing and said" You told him that?" In India we have a saying, "Come bull, come and hit me." Well, she was right.
I made another error in class too, but that was unavoidable. I had to answer. They wanted to know the most modern technique for purifying water. In my obtuse manner I ignored the word modern and said to use some clorox in the water. Wrong again blondie. They now have a reverse osmosis purifying process. I thought some of the more southern states might consider that illegal or at least immoral.
This week we are studying the weather. Think that's easy? Think again, but I found a solution that suits me. I am getting one for my boat. It's called a weather rug. In large letters printed on it, it says," 1. Mat wet -rainy. 2. mat hot and dry-sunny. 3. mat white-snow. 4. mat gone-tornado." It can be found in a magazine called "Favorites" that is based in Maine. Those folks are a pithy bunch. More anon.
Copyright: October 18, 2006.


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