Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Anecdotal Life Part.54

It's always a good idea to look back at the old blog and see what one was grousing about last. I had been pretty heated up about the marina putting my boat on an earlier launching schedule. Instead of rolling into the office and venting, I decided to use oil in place of vinegar. I worked everything out with the marina by simply beginning with " what did I do wrong and how can I avoid this the next time.", as to the timing of my spring boat launch. Because of that, I found out the wonderful nature of the three individuals I semi-confronted. All of whom admitted the marina's error readily and my patience made three friends instead....This is a strategy I will do well to remember, and since Captain Hopkins can't come for a piloting lesson after May 15, but can right after April 15th, it all worked out for the best for me too.
Also, letting the marina do the bottom sanding and painting was the better part of valor. I can handle some barnacle bashing for short periods, but was really begging my asthma to come into play with the sanding and painting. My sister, upon hearing all this, reminded me that my father had his heart attack painting the boat bottom up at the lake. His doctor told him the fumes had a great deal to do with it. That did it for me. Two friends are coming up to help with hull washing and waxing which should be-just plain fun. I like shining stuff up.
At an informal meeting of boaters in Annapolis, at which the professor from my first course, "Boat Smart" was present, I was quietly informed that the test I had barely passed and few others with me, was the wrong test for the book we had studied from! I felt so much better! However, I really felt sorry for those who didn't make the grade, as it were. One young girl, especially, was just crushed and had left hurriedly with her father when she received her score. I wish I could get back to her about that.
However, here at home, every new blade and bud are shouting for attention and I am strolling around the area happily doling it out. Being relieved of weeks of " hard labor" is just the ticket.... a rough winter calls for an irresistible spring.
Copyright: March 25, 2007

Monday, March 19, 2007

The Anecdotal Life Part.53

Weather was not permitting this week, therefore tomorrow I will get back to bashing barnacles. Irritability on my part will aide in the task. In fall I had changed my mind about when I wanted the boat "commissioned" or put back in the water in the spring. Once you have signed the contract and put down the date it's hard to change that fact. However, I managed to get in there before they took my boat out of the water for the winter and asked if I could change the date since I would need all that extra time to scrape, sand and apply two layers of paint. No problem was the answer since it had not gone into a designated spot. They make very careful plans about where to set each boat according to launch dates. I even went back to double check and everything was they said.
This week I called in and wanted to pay for the slip for the coming year. Somewhere in the conversation I mentioned the launch date. Young Mike , one of the garage crew returned the call and said I had an April the 15th launch date. My boat had been placed in that section of the marina. I was too flabbergasted to do much of anything but sputter about how I needed the time to do the task. "Nothing doing" as they say. He said they had a signed contract stating otherwise.
Due to the improving, but not yet totally healed hand, I can only work a few hours at a time and only every other day. I think I am stuck since I didn't get a copy of the changed contract. AND NOW! I have too little time to get it all done in time for launch. SO, I will have to pay the marina an additional $680. to finish what I will not be able to complete. THEREFORE, I will be so far into a visa which sustained me through visits and flights to see my dying sisters that I can't stand it. THUS ,and finally, I am on my way over to Sak's Fifth Avenue for a part-time job. The domino effect.
Copyright: March 19th, 2007

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Anecdotal Life Part.52

Ugh and eeeuww! I just know I have barnacle doo-doo in my hair, in my ears, down my neck and the wind kicked back flying debris from ancient accumulations all over my face. At one point I wiped my nose and was aghast to feel what seemed like an entire sandbox covering forehead to chin. (yes, I was wearing glasses) I "shoulda been so lucky" were it merely sand. I am also keenly aware that I probably scratched the gel coat ( the outer, shiny, protective coating) underneath a few times. I was unable to bend or dull the edges of the monster scraper I got from West Marine. I didn't even realize the gel coat went down all the way under the bottom . Once when I was giving the black peeling paint a trial swipe, it looked like grey metal under there. Apparently, the new brunette dye job has not quelled all of the"blond boater" gaps in simple boating knowledge.
I had gotten my sweet self in trouble right off the bat by attempting to park next to a big SUV with it's front tire turned outwards. I opened the door carefully to see what was an impossibly narrow pass between us and the owner sailed up and said something about "You're not going to be able to get out that side 'HON!'. I said I will back right up and try again". He huffed off. As I walked past him I felt like I needed to say something , but would be damned if I would apologize so I said pertly and inanely, " thanks for the tip". I "shoulda" added HON!.
Now here's the beauty part of the day. I loved being there, seeing the water and trying to fix my poor, neglected baby boat. I will go right back next Saturday and drive all the way to the back of the marina and make a fool of myself in the peace and solitude of my corner on the Chesapeake. My right arm and shoulder will have healed. My back will have gotten through trivial spasms. I will have all the right equipment.( I left some really pertinent things behind.)
And , I will try again HON!
Copyright: March 11 2007

Friday, March 02, 2007

The Anecdotal Life Part.51

Well, "squeeze me". I got to go to the United States Naval Academy Officer's and Faculty Club for dinner with the officers and members of the Annapolis Sail and Power Squadron. Just being on base is fun and it's a great place to take a walk now that I think about it... bout as safe as things get and everybody knocks themselves out giving directions. I , particularly, do appreciate that. Melrose Plant is a character in superb mystery novels by Martha Grimes. He retires to his London club now and then with a delightful set of curmudgeons and geezers. The Annapolis Squadron has thirty four members left and when I asked the soldier at the gate where to find them, he said, "never heard of them". They are in danger of becoming like the members of Melrose's club. They don't deserve it since they run some truly wonderful educational programs for boaters and for those that wish to go farther into nautical subjects to become experts. I paid for four of these courses and was only charged for books. I learned so much; I had to take a break and promised to be back at it again after boating season in the fall.
Wednesday I was up on and about my boat(which is still "up on the hard") surveying the shore for good painting subjects, checking the barnacles under my boat, looking to see if there were any snakes under there since in two weeks I will be scraping and sanding the bottom. I got some excellent advice at the dinner as to how to. I listen well these days to as many "mentors" as I can collar for suggestions and then proceed... but it's going to take a lot of pain meds. I was able to give some advice to a beginner next to me on how to begin to choose and find a boat. Imagine that. The Blonde Boater signing off....
P.S. I was so wrong! I went to the wrong meeting and made the wrong judgements and conclusions! They have over 200 members and it just must have been the curmudgeons night out. As to the soldier tending the gate. Well, it turned out I was at the wrong gate. Why doesn't that surprise you?
Copyright: March 2, 2007