The Anecdotal Life Part. 124
As for the so called fiscal cliff, I have felt what some of the sailors must have felt aboard Christopher Columbus' ship .... that the nuts in charge intended to go right off the edge at the end of the world. Our little and much adored Annapolis newspaper, THE CAPITAL, put it well, well enough that I laughed in spite of the creeping anxiety I increasingly felt. " The rest of us could have done without another demonstration that the ship of state is steered by people whose idea of navigation is to look for the nearest iceberg, head straight for it, and then ask for congratulations when they manage to miss it-- while coming close enough to get ice all over the deck." I can understand when training Captains, who have been on board my boat, have had such dire concerns when it came to my own frightening attempts at piloting, but I don't ferry an entire nation as I do so. I have an idea, of course, that we just recall all the tea party folks lurking around the House of Representatives who are lounging around doing little else beyond being recalcitrant. I am a 47%er, female independent voter, who would like the opportunity of listening to two thoughtful sides to a question. Please spare me the lunatic and extreme options. In the meantime I paint and bask in among piles of inconsolably lovely images here in the Whitmore Imaging and Printing building. Therefore, lucky me when I am here, I am incredibly content and tend to forget what is going on over in D.C..... and BY THE WAY...HAVE A BELATED HAPPY NEW YEAR!!And since then.. the Republican tea party folks have deigned to allow us to avoid
said cliff. How big of them not to trash the stock market, the global economy, make
another mockery of our political systems ... etc. etc. Note to the Republicans:" Is that all
you've got? " I honestly would like a choice between a thoughtful Republican and a reason-
able Democrat. Colin Powell might have been a good one. I agree we most certainly do
need to cut some spending, but without terrifying retirees on social security, the disabled,
the un-insured, the unemployed, so many, hard working government employees and with-
out unfair differences in taxing schedules. Hmmm.
But for the moment, we do have peace or a piece of peace, and since I have been paint-
ing and getting scans taken, I want to share a few images with you. Again, please come
visit. Hours are generally 11 a.m to 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday at 1982 Moreland
Parkway, Annapolis, Md.
COPYRIGHT : January 13, 2013
COPYRIGHT (AGAIN): January 28, 2013
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