Monday, March 19, 2007

The Anecdotal Life Part.53

Weather was not permitting this week, therefore tomorrow I will get back to bashing barnacles. Irritability on my part will aide in the task. In fall I had changed my mind about when I wanted the boat "commissioned" or put back in the water in the spring. Once you have signed the contract and put down the date it's hard to change that fact. However, I managed to get in there before they took my boat out of the water for the winter and asked if I could change the date since I would need all that extra time to scrape, sand and apply two layers of paint. No problem was the answer since it had not gone into a designated spot. They make very careful plans about where to set each boat according to launch dates. I even went back to double check and everything was they said.
This week I called in and wanted to pay for the slip for the coming year. Somewhere in the conversation I mentioned the launch date. Young Mike , one of the garage crew returned the call and said I had an April the 15th launch date. My boat had been placed in that section of the marina. I was too flabbergasted to do much of anything but sputter about how I needed the time to do the task. "Nothing doing" as they say. He said they had a signed contract stating otherwise.
Due to the improving, but not yet totally healed hand, I can only work a few hours at a time and only every other day. I think I am stuck since I didn't get a copy of the changed contract. AND NOW! I have too little time to get it all done in time for launch. SO, I will have to pay the marina an additional $680. to finish what I will not be able to complete. THEREFORE, I will be so far into a visa which sustained me through visits and flights to see my dying sisters that I can't stand it. THUS ,and finally, I am on my way over to Sak's Fifth Avenue for a part-time job. The domino effect.
Copyright: March 19th, 2007


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