Monday, January 29, 2007

The Anecdotal Life Part. 48

Sun's up, but you wouldn't know it by the feel of things. I keep wanting to go up to my boat, but I think I missed the only decent chance of late, which was last Saturday. I want to swipe a neighbor's ladder and attempt to vault over the stern to collect some tapes I left behind. Also I want take some pictures from my special vantage point in winter storage at Goose Harbor. My boat is up on chocks in the farthest corner, but facing the Chesapeake and the narrow channel by which we come and go. It is where I can stand and say I am "prospect impressed". But it is too darn cold.
However, on a more cheerful note, which is difficult for me to fetch up this January, I received my scores for two of the four courses I took this fall. I was hoping to remove myself from the "Private Benjamin" of the boating world" category. I got a 94 in Seamanship and 96 in Boat Handling. Sounds reasonably impressive doesn't it? Now ask me if any of this was learned on and while the boat was in the water. Nooooo, but I dyed my hair brunette in anticipation of my upgrade in status anyway. Could I take the boat out with a good crew? Yessss. Could I make it back? Not likely.
I told my sister I , in my usual insecure fashion, had gone back in the last five minutes of the test and changed two answers which I actually had right. "But that's not quite knowing it solid is it?" I mused aloud. She emphatically answered that piece of whimsy. " Well, you wouldn't want to be sitting in your boat with some horrific crisis on your hands ( and they all sound horrific when you study them) wondering whether the solution to the problem was in answer A or B? I thought about that a second while she said, "well!!?" O.k. Ok. O.k. So I know a lot more. And that's about it.
I miss my boat. Even cleaning it. I can't wait until "Sock Burning day"in quirky old Eastport, when boaters celebrate being able to walk about in boating shoes or sandals without socks. In the meantime my closet and car are jammed with the stuff for my boat waiting for better weather. That's pretty much how I feel. All jammed up, surrounded by the stuff that makes up a household, waiting for better weather.
Copyright: January 29, 2007


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