Sunday, November 09, 2014

The Anecdotal Life Part. 133

So tickled I made it to here. There's a book titled "How we made it to where we are now" or something like that. I certainly feel like that having exited the mainstream and taken a bumpy road for a stretch. However, isolation and fright and walking boots and crutches aside (HOORAY!) I am now bouncing along in a tidier small boot, without all the other encumbrances.... and am so happy. How often do you get to say, "Hey, I got a new foot". That's how it feels anyway. I sort of have a titanium footpad. I emailed a friend in New York and told her I was now "Borg". Being the Senior Catering Executive for the Hilton, she had been involved in or was headed to the Marathon and answered immediately. "Oh, you can enter the Cyborg Marathon Group". I laughed.
No, I think not this year. I just wanted to get back "home" to my studio in Whitmore and get everything I could think of done before the ...TA DA!! GRAND OPENING OF MY WORK TITLED THE ROGUE RETROSPECTIVE.  THEREFORE, THIS IS THE SAVE THE DATE REMINDER I WARNED YOU ABOUT!
                          BLACK FRIDAY/ NOVEMBER 28, 2014
                          STARTING AT 4: P.M.
                          AT: 1982 MORELAND DRIVE
                          PARALLEL TO WEST STREET
                          IN ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND, 21401
Now I need to jump and get batteries for the clock, wax for the floor, and a bushel of brownies with plenty of wine.....etc. etc. etc. I truly hope, most of all, that I get to see all your good faces coming through the door.

Copyright: November 9, 2014.