Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Anecdotal Life Part. 95

"What?!" you say. " What happened to Blog 92 and 93?" Well, who ever said that numbers had to be in order? Some little fussy man in a somewhat nervous, minuscule century long past, probably wrote a cute dictatorial treatise or something and since he was the Mayor's son everyone had to go along with it. Time to blow that theory. Time may not be sequential and it never works for me to think that way. It is very fluid. Which may be the reason behind all the snow we are getting. Some events that were to take one hour; take ten and one event that you distinctly remember was going to happen at noon, jumps up to nine A.M. startling the heck out of you. Blog 92 and 93 will get to their feet when they feel like it.

So what's the important news of the day.... Well it's about time. My great niece Maddie has either the super fortune of knocking off a birthday every four years or the super misfortune of doing so if you consider gifts and parties and I suspect she's beginning to. Her birthday which is the 29th will be held sometime inbetween today, the 28th and tomorrow, the first of March. I told you time wasn't sequential. Perfect example of it. I like those clocks that just have hands and say "whatever" on them... Or the ones with jumbled numbers. More realistic, I think.

Since time is running out for the love month, namely, February, I will tack on a quote that explains rather well why all relationships are not meant to last forever. "We are not the same person this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person". (Somerset Maugham) However, that being said, it is murderously difficult to let go of someone who does not wish to grow or change at all. That's a whole "nother" problem. Lastly, and more about the substantial amount of uncertainty there is in relationships, " Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell." (Joan Crawford) I like what Gramps said to me. " You just pays your money and makes your choice."- only I think he said "cherce" for choice . He did o.k.; it seemed to me.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Anecdotal Life Part. 94

I know it looks like I forgot to blog in sequence but during the book publishing binge, blog 92 and 93 got derailed and are in dire need of repair. Then we had those gol-danged snow storms and the whole nation got derailed. I was going to write about Zen and the Art of Snow Shoveling, and really do have some tips on that. One, move to a Condo that does it for you. Two, hire someone, Three, if all that fails, get a lightweight shovel. Four, use all the salt you can beforehand, and if they are out of salt, try sea salt which is coarse and does really work, but is more expensive, but hey...Five, go out as often as you can to keep the accumulation down to something manageable. Six, don't lift up the snow any higher than you have to; try scooting it. Seven , don't lift big heavy snow shovels full. Eight, don't shovel fast. Nine, take breaks, go in, lie down, take Tylenol, and go out three times, rather than just doing the task in one long marathon. Last and not least, first park right where the rising sun will hit your windshield and put your wipers up the night before or whenever. Clear your tailpipe and run the engine before you start shoveling. One friend , having no more space to pile it, filled trash barrels and rolled them down hill to a more likely spot. I am sure lots of people have good ideas so send them in the comment section.
Now what was it, she said in her divergent little way, was I really going to write about ? Well! It's Valentine's Day and a sign on a car I saw a few days ago said, "Love Happens." I believe it really does.. just happen. Not that you don't have to work on it...
but making lists of all the prerequisites you intend to have before you ever get mixed up with someone again or having your friends check out your new acquaintance and discussing it with them, just won't guarentee a thing. Love just trundles up behind you with someone who no more fits all your preconceived notions than a wombat.
I always thought it was like backing into a hot stove. It's invigorating. Disturbing. You may fight like a cat and a dog at first, because you're both so scared. You may not get past that. You may blame them for things that remind you of some crime your former spouse or last crazy girl or boy friend did. You may blow the whole thing. Several times ... until you're ready.
One friend said "Not all relationships are meant to last long." Fritz Perls said relationships can be as brief as a moment, but that love was "meeting center to center"... I think it's true that you can't find love; that love will find you and that will all happen when you are ready. You can get ready by following these dictums.. or not. "Two people do not have to agree on what's right to be together..they just have to want to be together... And if you think that sounds simple, try it sometime." or "Security is quicksand." or "Do not be afraid to love men, women, the very young, the very old, animals, plants, sudden acquaintances, lifelong friends, your children , your parents, strangers, yourself." Especially today. This is the day for it. Good afternoon and Good luck.